COVID-19 Resources
The Pennsylvania Beef Council is launching a COVID-19 Resource page to help make the access for information more streamlined for producers. This library content will be updated frequently and will provide links to resources for producers in this challenging time. These resources come from industry stakeholder groups who are working diligently to help producers and small business owners through this crisis. If you have questions, please reach out to Courtney Gray, Director of Producer Communications, [email protected] or 814-623-2839.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
For Producers
- Northeast Beef Directory
- PSU Online Learning Library
- Ag Profitability Series - PSU Extension
- Beef It's What's for Dinner for a frequently asked questions section that outlines COVID -19 information for beef production specifically.
- Cattlemen's Beef Board COVID-19 response
- NDSU Webinar Series
- Sample Letter for employees of critical infrastructure businesses
- National Milk Producers Federation for information on resources related to farms, processing facilities, food safety, and frequently asked questions.
- Center for Dairy Excellence has a complete host of resources from emergency milking staff to crisis communication guidelines. Visit their COVID-19 resource library to learn more.
- Dairy Contingency Plan request