Why should I become BQA certified?

BQA is valuable to all beef and dairy producers because of the following:

  • Demonstrates a commitment to food safety and quality 
  • Safeguards the public image of the beef and dairy industry 
  • Upholds consumer confidence in valuable beef products 
  • Protects the beef industry from additional and burdensome government regulations 
  • Improves sale value of marketed beef cattle 
  • Enhances herd profitability through better management

BQA is a good business practice which can identify potential problem areas in order to avoid product defects. It is of utmost importance that the public has confidence in knowing that beef is a safe product.

How do I get BQA certified in PA?

The first portion of the Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) Program is a classroom training session, called Level 1. This is comprised of a PowerPoint presentation, which gives producers an overview of the BQA Manual and the guidelines for participation. Depending on your preference, the Classroom training can be completed online or in person. The classroom session focuses on the best management practices that certified producers follow, ranging from feedstuffs and preventative health programs to proper injection site locations and record keeping. It is designed to provide beef producers with the correct tools to ensure their cattle are produced in a manner that will result in a safe and wholesome product for the consumer.

The second portion of the BQA program is the chute-side training session. This is the “hands-on” part of the training where producers are able to participate in cattle handling demonstrations and learning the correct method to properly administer vaccines and antibiotics when appropriate – the goal being to create the least amount of tissue damage, while ensuring the animal’s well-being. This portion of the training also gives producers the opportunity to talk to a veterinarian about proper drug handling and storage, as well as illegal residues and injection site lesions. Please refer to the Events page for future training dates within your region. To complete Level 1, view the respective training module and complete the exam. Currently all our in-person trainings are Level 1 & 2, this would be a review of those lessons.   

Get Certified Online!

Producers can complete the National BQA Certification online at anytime. By completing the online program, you will be fully certified under BQA.