Your Beef Checkoff Investment at Work 

What is your ROI for your Beef Checkoff Dollar in Pennsylvania?

Below you will find a breakdown on how your dollar is spent in Pennsylvania. You can also explore some articles on recent activities completed by Pennsylvania Beef Council on your behalf! 

Grow Consumer Trust 

Educate healthcare professionals about beef’s positive attributes and role in a nutrient-rich sustainable eating pattern, position beef as a key food for all life stages and cultivate collaborative partnerships with influential healthcare experts to share beef’s nutrition and production story.

29% of each dollar is spent under this category.                                                            

Producer Communications and Education  

Promote the Beef Quality Assurance and Calf Care Quality Assurance program and continue to be a leader in producer education, share the Beef Checkoff story and ROI, and cultivate collaborative partnerships amongst industry groups.       

30% of each dollar is spent under this category.

Promote and Capitalize on the Advantages of Beef 

Promote the role of beef in a nutrient-rich and sustainable eating pattern, educate consumers about beef production and sustainability, and position beef as a key ingredient for all. 


41% of each dollar is spent under this category.